Our Services
Our credentials at LongView Financial allow us to offer a broad range of portfolio management and financial planning services customized for your specific needs, goals and life stages.
For financial planning and portfolio management to be done adequately, we break the process into several fundamental categories:
It's important to remember that these categories aren't just about the numbers. It's just as crucial for us to ask questions to get to know about your financial upbringing, your investment experience, and your feelings about your current life stage:
- What have been some of the best financial decisions you have made in the past?
- What lessons about money did you learn growing up?
- Tell me about your life's work.
- What transitions are you and your family presently experiencing?
- How do you plan to change your lifestyle when you retire?
- What are your biggest fears about retirement?
Once we have gotten to know you and your financial situation, our office is ready to provide services including:
Do you have any questions for us? Feel free to give our office a call anytime to set up an appointment!